November 15, 2023

The Role of Parents in Education

A child is prepared for success by the twin pillars of education and family. A supportive family will help a child learn to be confident and considerate. A good education helps children learn to think, solve problems, and apply their knowledge to everyday challenges. When parents take part in education, that potential is multiplied, empowering children to become their best selves and stride into life as successful adults.

Paradigm Schools believe strongly in parental involvement in education. We believe parents know best and should be aware and engaged participants in their children’s learning process. From interesting conversations around the dinner table to taking part in school activities, parents are the primary educators for their children and therefore essential in their children’s learning and mental growth at school.

Paradigm’s Emphasis on Parental Involvement

At Paradigm Schools, we ardently advocate for the pivotal role of parents in education. We firmly believe that parents should be informed and active participants in their children’s educational journey. Our commitment extends from fostering captivating dinner table discussions to encouraging participation in school activities, recognizing the indispensable impact parents have on their children’s learning and mental growth.

Honoring the Role of Parents in Education

In alignment with our principles, Paradigm Schools embraces the philosophy that parents are the primary educators of their children. Director Fernando Seminario emphasizes that parents possess an innate understanding of what is best for their children, and schools should act as resources to facilitate, not dictate, the educational goals set by families.

“Parents know what is best for their children,” affirms Seminario. “Schools don’t own the students, and parents should not be left in the dark about what happens at school. It’s our responsibility as parents to teach our own children, and schools exist as a resource for us to fulfill our parental duty to educate our children.”

Paradigm Schools welcomes parents to actively voice their opinions on education options, encouraging outside-the-box learning ideas and addressing specific needs for each child.

The Role Of Parents In Education:

Establishing a Strong Foundation

Raising children who enthusiastically embrace learning is a journey that begins at home. Parents who foster a child’s curiosity cultivate a spirit of inspiration and a thirst for knowledge. In a nurturing and supportive home environment, children develop their unique learning styles with the confidence that every learning experience holds value.

You have the power to instill a love of learning from a young age by actively engaging with your children. Explore ideas together, unravel the “Why” behind phenomena, conduct experiments and projects at home, or embark on educational adventures to places like aquariums and interactive science museums. Spark conversations on a wide array of topics, and empower your child to seek answers independently, allowing them to share newfound knowledge with you.

At Paradigm, we not only share but amplify your commitment to early education. We fervently encourage and celebrate the special bond between parents and children in the shared journey of learning.

Setting Expectations and Goals

As children enter formal education, one of the best things a parent can do is to set academic and personal goals. Challenge your child to improve their grades or to read a certain number of books. Encourage them as they make progress and celebrate together when they meet those goals. This will inspire your child to strive for success with the expectation of positivity in return.

There are also benefits to establishing clear expectations for academic performance. It shows your child that you care, and that you expect them to work hard to achieve their own great potential. Get in touch with your children’s teachers and schools to learn the right goals to set and support your children’s goals as they strive to achieve.

Paradigm offers parent and teacher resources to help with goal setting and academic planning at home.

Supporting Homework and Study Habits

Studying is something that must be learned both at school and at home. Parents who create time and space for their children to study will see their children develop better homework habits and studying skills over time.

Consider setting aside an hour (or more, as your children grow older) before dinner when the family sits quietly together. This is a good time to organize your work emails or even work on your novel alongside your child doing their homework. You will practice focusing together and, of course, you will be there to help with homework when help is needed.

As a parent, you will also want to practice how to help with homework without taking over. Trust us, this is a learned skill.

  • Consider how you might lead your child to the right answers.
  • Ensure your child always holding the pencil, even if you have your separate scratch paper.
  • Look up the answer in the back of the book and help your child remember.

Paradigm can also help both children and parents learn effective study habits while encouraging at-home parental support.

Encouraging Extracurricular Activities

Active participation in extracurricular activities is a vital aspect of a child’s development, and parents often play a significant role in this arena. It’s beneficial to motivate children to explore diverse hobbies, encompassing sports, artistic pursuits, and musical instruments. Engaging in such activities not only broadens their perspective but also unleashes their potential, enabling them to discover different facets of themselves.

At Paradigm, we advocate for a well-rounded education that provides a structured framework for children to delve into a variety of interests. We believe in nurturing the diverse talents and passions of each child, fostering an environment where they can see themselves in various lights.

Parents are instrumental in identifying and cultivating their child’s interests and talents. Actively listen to what captivates your child and encourage them to explore their curiosities. Remind them that it’s perfectly acceptable to experiment with various activities over the years, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balanced schedule to prevent school and extracurricular commitments from becoming overwhelming.

Communication and Collaboration with Educators

Know your child’s teachers. Paradigm believes it is important to maintain open communication between parents, teachers, and school staff.  There are many opportunities to build effective parent-teacher partnerships. Parents and teachers now often share an online chat, social media group, or trade emails to keep in touch regarding how each child is doing in school.

If there are academic or behavior concerns, it can be helpful to ask your child’s teacher how they behave in class and strategize together on how to better support your child in positive performance and behavior in the future.

Nurturing Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Parents can inspire their children to focus on critical thinking and problem-solving skills through discussion and activities at home. Challenging children to work out solutions for themselves and encouraging them to discuss their process is a great way to stimulate critical thinking at home. Explaining your problem-solving processes also models for children how they could organize their thoughts.

Parents can also set out tasks for children to promote independent problem-solving, such as planning their birthday parties or learning how to help with shopping. The Paradigm approach fosters critical thinking throughout all levels of education and encourages children to apply those skills outside the classroom, as well.

Building a Love for Reading

Children who learn to love reading will have an advantage for their entire lives. From excelling at studies to greater capabilities in their future careers, reading is a powerful skill that children can get excited about at a very early age. Parents can create a reading-friendly environment at home by keeping age-appropriate books available, stocking bookshelves with novels, and being ready to discuss what your child has been reading lately.

Talk about the books you have read, especially the books you loved to read when you were younger. It can also help to let your child see you reading, and to read together as a family on quiet evenings together.

You can find age-appropriate and engaging books by checking the reading level of children’s books in the bookstore, online, or in the local library. You can also ask an expert or your child’s teacher to suggest books they might like to read at home. Modern children may also take to reading eBooks on tablets, and a digital library card can be a great way to give them endless access.

As you might have guessed, Paradigm is dedicated to promoting a reading-positive culture where children are encouraged to explore new worlds and concepts through daily reading.

The Parental Role in Education: Joining Forces with Paradigm Schools

Parents play a pivotal role in their children’s education. At Paradigm, our mission is to empower parents to take part in education, helping children achieve their full potential through mutual support at home and at school. Get actively involved in your child’s learning journey. Contact us to learn more about joining forces with Paradigm Schools.